McClelland article on sustainability published in The Times
Chelgate Senior Consultant Jim McClelland has an article on responsible sourcing and sustainability published in The Times this week.
The article, titled “UK poised for era of who cares wins?”, was published on Tuesday. It addresses the importance of a positive brand identity, and how responsible sourcing and sustainability can be used to improve this. McClelland stresses that the economic upturn is a threat to sustainability, and it is vital that business leaders develop a holistic strategy and to make sustainability part of the brand aspiration.
McClelland is a speaker, writer and social media commentator, specialising in the areas of built environment, corporate social responsibility and ecosystem services. You can find a full copy of the article here.
Chelgate Public Relations has a wealth of experience in environment and planning communications, with a team headed by Nick Wood-Dow, deputy-chairman of the Environment Council and chairman of the Tory Green Initiative. He is supported by a team of seasoned professionals including Jim McClelland, who is the former editor of Sustain’ Magazine. To find out more, email Nick here.