European Government Relations

Despite the UK referendum result, many UK companies are still closely connected with European markets. Regulations and legislation from the EU will impact on British companies for many years to come while any organisation trading in Europe will need to still influence future policy. European Government Relations is now more important than ever!

The new, post-Brexit world, means that connecting to the Commission, Parliament and Council will become increasingly difficult for UK companies.

With over 10 years’ experience in Brussels, Chelgate’s Irish affiliate, Chelgate Public Affairs, can help UK organisations continue to engage with the EU. It’s Brussels office provides access not only to the EU, but also to NATO, the WHO, the ILO, World Bank, African Union as well as various UN agencies. We work with our clients to develop their strategic objectives and deliver the most effective tactics to help them shape the issues that matter to their businesses. With a specialist team in Brussels, our team offers a wealth of professional expertise. Every Chelgate Public Affairs executive has a track record of proven, relevant experience and this ensures that client business is never delegated to inexperienced or unqualified personnel.

In the UK, we are also supporting clients to help shape the UK government’s response to exiting the EU and can provide the intelligence required to help you influence future decisions on regulatory issues.
