Chelgate Public Affairs Newsletter – August 2019

July 26th, 2019 by

EU Transport Policy, Single Use Plastic Directive and Environment Policy Newsletter European Parliament Kicks off again! The European Parliament Committees were back in action this week to begin their policy work. With the membership and makeup of the committees all decided during the first Strasbourg session, this week gave us our first glimpse of how the new Environment (ENVI) and Transport (TRAN) Committees are likely to operate going forward. Needless to say, neither committee disappointed and we are set for loud, proud, and ambitious ENVI and TRAN committees over the next two years. Expect sweeping changes to EU Commission proposals […]

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Chelgate Public Affairs Publishes Guides on Private Aviation & Water Saving Labelling

July 23rd, 2019 by

Our affiliate company, Chelgate Public Affairs has today published briefing papers on two sectors that are likely to receive significant attention from the European Commission over the next year. These cover the effect of BREXIT on Private Aviation companies and the impact on water companies by the introduction of Water Saving Labelling. Private Aviation Companies – BREXIT Introduction Aviation companies are by their very nature international. Their business models are predicated on crossing borders and they need to be able to do so flexibly and swiftly. These issues are even more acute for private aviation operators, based in the UK, […]

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