Chelgate Public Affairs Newsletter – January 2021

January 25th, 2021 by

This month’s edition looks at Portugal’s flagship green hydrogen project, Oslo’s and Rotterdam’s approach to electric construction and garbage collection, reveals the EU’s and UK’s new post-Brexit transport agenda, and much more…   Portugal’s Green Flamingo: how the green hydrogen project reflects the priorities of the Portuguese Council Presidency. “The world is moving ahead on the need to decarbonise and the need to commit to climate neutrality — so in that context, the importance of hydrogen increases on almost a daily basis,” said Frans Timmermans, the Commission’s Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal. Indeed, Hydrogen is in everyone’s ears […]

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Chelgate Local Newsletter – January 2021

January 7th, 2021 by

  This month we bring you a review of 2020, the latest news on the St Albans local plan, Sevenoaks Council’s Judicial Review ruling appeal and more… All at Chelgate Local wish you a very happy New Year By Michael Hardware, Director of Planning and Property The past year has been one many will understandably want to forget, but it will be remembered for a long time. Chelgate sent its staff to work from home on 10th March which, at the time, seemed a little drastic. The firm worked throughout the lock down although much of the industry did not. […]

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