Chelgate Relaunch Opinion Battlegrounds Podcast

March 7th, 2024 by

Reputation Management firm Chelgate have announced the restart of their podcast, ā€˜Opinion Battlegroundsā€™. The first two new episodes which focus on Crisis and Acute Issues Management, feature Chelgate Executive Chairman, Terence Fane-Saunders and Senior Advisor, Jonathan Ray. Recognised as one of the most distinguished leaders of the international public relations profession and a specialist in Reputation Protection and Issues Management, Terence Fane-Saunders has provided assistance to numerous high-profile clients around the world, including governments, business leaders, multinational organisations and distinguished individuals. Jonathan Ray also brings with him a wealth of high-level communications expertise spanning education, science, the environment and global […]

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Chelgate CEO Michael Hardware appointed President of the Chartered Institute of Journalists

September 27th, 2023 by

Michael Hardware, Chief Executive of Chelgate Corporate, was appointed President of the Chartered Institute of Journalists (CIOJ) at an event at the Reform Club on 24th February 2022. His two-year term follows his two-years serving as Vice-President, and membership of the Instituteā€™s Council since 2012. The CIOJ is the worldā€™s oldest professional body for journalists, established under a warrant from Queen Victoria in 1890. Two other warrants from Queen Elizabeth II were also granted, the last in 1990. Michaelā€™s focus during his term as President will be on increasing membership and the creation of a ā€˜Chartered Journalistā€™ status for members. […]

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Government planning reforms U-turn

January 10th, 2022 by

Consultation to remain a key part of the planning process   The Times today is reporting that the Government has changed its approach to reforming the planning system.   The aim was to replace the existing planning process with a zonal system and mandatory housing targets. This would shift planning consent to the local plan stage with no need for applications to then come to planning committees. This would remove the opportunity for input from residents, reduce the role of local councillors in determining planning applications, and reduce consultation overall. The plans did provoke significant feedback from grass roots Conservatives […]

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Chelgate Local Newsletter ā€“ January 2021

January 7th, 2021 by

  This month we bring you a review of 2020, the latest news on the St Albans local plan, Sevenoaks Council’s Judicial Review ruling appeal and more… All at Chelgate Local wish you a very happy New Year By Michael Hardware, Director of Planning and Property The past year has been one many will understandably want to forget, but it will be remembered for a long time. Chelgate sent its staff to work from home on 10th March which, at the time, seemed a little drastic. The firm worked throughout the lock down although much of the industry did not. […]

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Hardware to take helm of journalism professional body

April 27th, 2020 by

Chelgateā€™s Michael Hardware has been appointed Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Journalists (CIOJ). The CIOJ is the world’s oldest journalism professional body, having received its first Royal Warrant, from Queen Victoria, over 140 years ago. Michael, who heads up Chelgate Local, has been a member of the Chelgate team for over 25 years. He has also been a member of the CIOJ for over 15 years, serving on its national council for the last eight. He has been responsible for the development of a long term strategy which addresses the current poor perception of journalism, the ongoing shift […]

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Chelgate Local Newsletter ā€“ April 2020

April 21st, 2020 by

  This month we bring you updates on local plan sagas in Sevenoaks, St Albans and Uttlesford. We also recap the first two of our Live Planning Events with Cllr Linda Haysey from East Herts DC and Cllr Carlo Guglielmi, Tendring DC.   Sevenoaks in legal challenge over local plan By Kasia Banas, Account Director Sevenoaks District Council has decided to legally challenge the Inspectorā€™s decision to find their local plan unsound It looks like the battle over the local plan process in Sevenoaks is set to continue as the Council seeks leave to Judicially Review the decisions made by […]

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The Show Must Go On

April 8th, 2020 by

Michael Hardware, Director of Planning and Property at Chelgate Local, has published anĀ in PlacemakingResource on 30th March titled The Show Must Go On discussing virtual planning meetings.Ā  You can read the article below or using this link (subscription required).     The development industry is pulling together so work can continue during the coronavirus restrictions. Efforts are being made to ensure the disruption caused to the housing supply is not too dramatic. That said, the industry, like almost all others, has been severely impacted. That impact may lessen as we settle into our new ways of working and realise what […]

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Chelgate response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 26th, 2020 by

  A great deal has happened since Chelgate decided to close its offices and move to home workingā€™ on 10th March in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We took an early decision to avoid travel and meetings and protect our staff, clients and prospects as the underlying spread of the virus was not being recognised or reported. Subsequent statements by the Government on 20th March and this week have sought to protect the NHS and save lives asking us all to, as far as possible, stay at home. Our teams are effectively working remotely. We have had access to […]

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Crisis Management consultants switch to ā€œminimal presenceā€ staffing as Corona Virus threat mounts

March 9th, 2020 by

International Issues and Crisis Management Consultants, Chelgate Ltd have announced a switch to ā€œminimal presence staffingā€ at the companyā€™s London Headquarters.   In a memo to staff Chelgate Executive Chairman, Terence Fane-Saunders said that the company would be making ā€œimportant changes to the way we work, in order to protect our staff, our clients and our business contacts. ā€œPublic transport is potentially a petri dish for the virus, and I want to minimise the degree to which people are required to expose themselves to this risk. I also want to minimise the risks created by unnecessarily bringing together groups of […]

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The latest episode of our “Opinion Battlegrounds” podcast is now live

February 6th, 2020 by

The latest episode of our “Opinion Battlegrounds” podcast is now live. This week we are happily chewing over the Iowa fiasco, Boris the Pub Bruiser and the Labour leadership One Horse Race (or is it?) SoundCloud Download

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