The French have shown a new resistance to authority, quelle surprise! Round one in the French election has gone to two outsiders, the liberal choice of Emmanuel Macron and the extreme right wing candidate Marine Le Pen. France has followed the recent referendum campaign in the UK and the US election by upsetting the political applecart by ending six decades of rule from moderate parties. What does this mean for us? Miss Le Pen would be more supportive of our Brexit negotiations, as she wants to get France out of the Euro. Assuming a Le Pen victory doesn’t leave the […]
Read More..So The French Can Shock In Elections Too
April 24th, 2017 by Christopher Morris
How will the parties cope? Bets are on and stakes couldn’t be higher
April 19th, 2017 by Diana VarleyIn a period of huge political uncertainty with Brexit, Trump and other world leaders including Putin jostling for stronger positions, Prime Minister Theresa May has thrown her hat into the ring by calling a UK General Election. If she manages to get her surprise snap poll, announced in Downing Street earlier today, through the House of Commons it will be held on 8 June this year. Mrs May wants her own mandate to counter Opposition arguments that she’s unelected which she feels weakens her Brexit stance. The PM spoke of a unifying campaign, in stark contrast to the EU referendum when […]
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